Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Photo a day: Day one

The task for day one is to take a photo of your view.  I spend a great deal of time sitting at the dining room table (which doubles as my desk most of the time and is full of my things).  This is my view from the table.  My extremely talented guy turned a huge slab of wood into this amazing picnic table which is outside in our jungle of a garden!  Not a bad office view if you ask me!
P.S if you decide to take up on this challenge as well make sure you let me know, I would love to see your photos!


  1. That is a great place or hanging out!!! Love the day 1 pic!! I would have loved to take part but this month is going to be messy.
    I will be happy seeing what you do,lovely.
    Love V

  2. Ooops .....for hanging out. Silly squirrel sorry. Love v

  3. Thank you:). It sounds like you do have one heck of a month coming up... exciting though!
