Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A few homeware sweeties

Oops I was all lined up to do a big lot of listings on Trade Me this week... and then realised that both my mannequins are currently modelling frocks at the HOLD FAST store!  So instead I thought I might just throw a few homeware pieces in the mix.  You can find these cuties here.


  1. Oh sweeties is right!!!! So cute.
    Love v

  2. Thank you:). Why do the cute things always have to be so hard to part with?!

  3. I love your blog! Just to let you know that I’ve just nominated you for the Liebster Award, hope you will check out my post for all the info and hope you will join in - http://thesongthatsummersings.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/liebster-award.html - I had a great time doing it!
    Thanks for having such an adorable blog! Xx
