Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Farm sitting

 We happen to live right next door to my mothers little farm. It's a pretty amazing lifestyle for us, but it's also great for her because it means that she always has somebody to look after the place while she's away!  So while everybody else is in the South Island skiing this week, I'm making sure that everybody here is staying well fed and happy!
I usually drag myself out of bed at 7:45 (and let me tell you, it ain't warm!), throw on an old pair of jeans, a warm jacket and my trusty red gumboots and trudge down the road.  The dogs are usually waiting by the door and about to explode with energy and excitement for the day!  We wander back up the driveway so that I can grab the newspaper and they embark on some play fighting before breakfast.  Once we've all had breakfast and read the paper we head down to the bottom of the paddocks so the dogs can explore and go swimming in the pond (while I find a log to sit on and soak up some sunshine!).  We say hello to the cows, feed the chickens and collect the eggs.  After that I find a good spot in the sun and sit down to do some work.
This is the place I grew up, where we built forts, made mud slides, watched pets come and go, spent lazy summer afternoons by the pool and got up to all sorts of mischief.  I can't wait for the day that I can bring my kids here and show them all the secret hide outs that we once discovered!  Sadly suburbia is closing in fast around this little place and the countryside is being sacrificed for mini mansions and shopping malls.  Hopefully we get to hold onto this  piece of paradise just a little bit longer!


  1. How idyllic - that must be every kid's (and dog's) idea of heaven. I know my tribe would love it. x

  2. Hehe, farm sitting! Now that's not a term I have ever heard before, but I have always lived in cities and suburbs. This looks just gorgeous - your photos are amazing! And I like how the chickens almost look pink in the light!

  3. So happy to have made my way here! Im following along.
    What a lovely place to grow up in! Monika
