Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The big clean up... a glimpse into my vintage lair!

Here's the problem... I collect and collect and things pile up and before I know it I am drowning in a sea of clothes that I am too reluctant to part with!  And things end up looking like this...

So last week I took it upon myself to finally have a good Spring clean out!  I finally sorted everything, put a huge amount on Trade Me and figured out a a bit of a system!

My finest threads that I am saving for the shop

The huge Trade Me loot (I'm happy to say that almost every single piece was sold this week!):

The clothes that come to the markets with me:

All the hats, shoes, bags and other accessories finally sorted and labelled (please excuse the temporary cardboard boxes!):

My ever growing collection of suitcases (I've actually pretty much been banned from buying any more!):

Other bits and pieces:

And there you have it!  This is currently just a temporary home for all these treasures so everything is a bit make shift... but I personally love peeking into other peoples homes and offices!

Oh and P.S This is what it looks like when you have to package up and post 28 + items in one morning (not that I'm complaining!)


  1. Look at all that yummy vintage stuff! I just noticed you had an online shop, I'll be checking that out :)

  2. Eee so much stuff! I really must have a rummage next time I'm over :)

  3. O,let me at it!!! It's both wonderfully satisfying and stressful to have loads of stuff!! the suitcases ARE bloody addictive,aren't they?! X

  4. Oh I too have that "Suitcase" problem, they are like lonely toys, they just say " take me home". Love the wee peek at all the pretty vintage treasure, happiness.V

  5. Ah gosh, I so love looking at other people's vintage collections! That red dress with little white dots that you're saving for your shop... just not fair! I want it!

  6. Georgia Rose: I am more than happy to send you some pictures of it if you're interested. This is dress is AMAZING! It is fully lined and boned inside, the only downside is that it is about a size 6:(. Very sad!

  7. Oh no, I'd never fit a size 6! What a shame! Thank you so much for the offer though :(

  8. Oh mine, I haven't bought anything in a long time and now that I'm watching all this I'm getting this itch...

  9. I also love to have a glimpse in to other peoples home :) and I love the fact that you can walk right outside into the garden from what seems to be your kitchen, I want that too!

    Have a nice weekend!

  10. Thank you:)
    Yeah from the dining room table you look out onto the garden and out to sea. It's a pretty great place to sit and work!
