Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sunshine, good friends and a healthy dose of vintage

 After being caught smack in the middle of a crazy storm for the last few days, everybody was so happy that the sun peeked out again!  Nobody was more happy about it though than those of us who had stalls at this months Gypsy Fair.  Sometimes these events aren't just about how much you sell, but more about sipping Pimms and eating amazing food with friends in the sun.  All in all it was a beautiful day and I'm pretty sure I will go to sleep with a smile on my face.  Another perfect Sunday. x


  1. looks like a blast! Thank You for answering our questions! We appreciate it Mucho!
    So jealous that you live in New Zealand! How Rad!
    going to check out the from moon to moon and elsa blogs THANKS AGAIN!
    You are awesome!

  2. I like your blog and have just given you a blog award, that I recently got myself. Check out my blog for the details.
    By the way, the red chairs in the café are so beautiful.

  3. How glorious!
    Just what the doctor ordered after nasty weather.Pimms!I love that stuff!haven't had it in years!
    O,those old drawers on wehels,last post?! FANTASTIC! I'll be stealing that idea,I love it.Having to be ruthless is depressing,but can be cathartic!
    You should see my sewing/dressing room right now.It's like a bombsite.I'll be squizzing some of your fave interior design blogs for help on tidying it up!
