Sunday, April 29, 2012


 This week got off to a rocky start and ended on a perfect note!  Let me tell, I was in one seriously rotten mood for most of the week.  I'm blaming it on a combination feeling sad about the closing of Dashfield and a majorly bad bout of PMS!  Anyway if there's one thing to cure a foul mood like that it's walks down to the bottom of the farm to visit the cows with that guy of mine, eating delicious pastries from the German bakery and filling the house with as many flowers as I have vases for, which is precisely what I did!  The rest of the week was spent on sourcing stock for my next magazine styling job, having friends over for a last summer BBQ, heading to the Sunday markets for fruit and veges, more flowers and some great vintage treasures (for which I really need to do a separate post), going to the movies to watch the Avengers, and working on some new furniture... baby blue Sunday school chairs anyone?!
Although it has been a busy week it hasn't felt terribly productive, I know that tomorrow is the beginning of a better one though!
Oh also don't forget that the first lot of Dashfield SALE auctions end tomorrow night, they are being snapped up quick smart.  You can find them here.
P.S My mum is so cute, she found this wine for me called Dashwood... close enough right!  Anyway I cracked it open straight after coming home from the gym and thoroughly enjoyed it!


  1. The photos look gorgeous! Especially the ones with flowers on it. They've got such special artificial colours. Very good work!
