Monday, July 30, 2012

Oh so quiet

It has been oh so quiet around these parts hasn't it.  I have to be honest I have been lacking the energy for blogging and most other things lately.  Although we have been going to plenty of birthday parties, catching up with old friends, taking a whirlwind weekend trip to Wellington and daydreaming about the future.  Oh and there is the slightest hint of Spring in the air (very slight) which makes me beyond excited!
Anyway so I just wanted to check in and say that I haven't forgotten you.  If you could just bear with me for a couple more weeks I promise that things are going to get a whole lot more exciting!


  1. Oh daydreaming about the future is my favourite pass time too!!!! Eeeeekkkk I should be packing.
    I brought pussy willow branches yesterday, yes a little hint of spring.
    Sending a big bundle of happiness and love v
